User Experience

Google is always trying to find ways to increase user experience on their search engine pages and recently they have been making a big push for adding image thumbnails to their mobile search results to help results pop, like in the search shown to the right. Image Thumbnails, a mobile SERP favorite, are now present on far more SERPs than they had been even just days ago. The proliferation of mobile Image Thumbnails was largely due to local searches. That is, and as opposed to the past, Google is now showing Image thumbnails for queries that indicate a local service.
Just as Google is constantly aiming to increase user experience, site owners should, too! We are focusing on your mobile user experience this month due to the continued increase of mobile web searchers. Below is a screenshot of your mobile vs. desktop vs. tablet users for the past month.

Our Actions:
- Entered code to tell Google what image to use in the SERP - We have chosen a relevant image to appear along with your mobile search results. This change may not immediately appear in the SERP but as the bots crawl your page, it will be added. This is a great and current SEO strategy that will help you stand out from your competitors !
- Mobile User Experience improvement - We made slight visual improvements on your mobile site where needed so it is easier for your users to navigate and read your mobile pages. This includes the addition of a mobile action bar if you did not previously have one. Wix offers great features to improve your visitors mobile experience. To get more tips and tutorials for Wix SEO please visit www.wixseopros.com. You would be surprised how tiny improvements like these could boost your user experience and lower your bounce rate!


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