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Website Behavior Flow

Our goal is to increase the natural flow of your website and guide users to pages/areas of your website that could further improve your performance and sales. Below is a sample screenshot we pulled from one of our clients Google Analytics Account. It shows individual page views for the 3 months. 

Behavior Flow Chart.png

Our Goals

- Guide users through your site in a logical fashion with attractive and useful call-to-actions, allowing them to learn more about your business by visiting more pages.


- Reduce your bounce rate, keeping people on your site longer giving you a better shot at gaining a new customer. Here is your current bounce rate: 

Our Actions

To achieve success, we are performing some visual tweaks on your site (usually this will mainly be on the Home page, as that is normally where your visitors land) to guide your users to explore your site further by adding attractive colors of placing items in visually attractive locations on the page. We will also be adding linkage where necessary to continue your users actions (i.e. services buttons at the bottom of about page, easy contact button on service pages, etc.). To get more information and tips for your Wix website please visit

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